The Blog

Jaye Goldstein Jaye Goldstein

Doubling Down on Inclusion + Belonging

We, at Founder to Leader, wanted to make clear that we are more committed than ever to our inclusion and belonging curriculum and practices. 

There are a lot of reasons why I started Founder to Leader but there’s another reason that I haven’t shared publicly: Founder to Leader was a survival strategy for me. Here’s the real story…

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Jaye Goldstein Jaye Goldstein

Energy management: What’s your daily “spend?”

Imagine that you got $100 every day when you wake up as your daily energy budget. How much do you spend every day? How much “cash” do you have left over? As founders and leaders we need to have some savings in order to lead, manage, and handle the unexpected. Here’s a framework I’ve been thinking about for managing personal energy use.

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Jaye Goldstein Jaye Goldstein

New Years Reflections + Resolutions

As January 1 approaches, it’s a great time to reflect on this past year and set some personal and professional goals for the year ahead. Here are two worksheets we’ve created to help you look backwards and forwards as the New Year approaches.

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Jaye Goldstein Jaye Goldstein

Unlimited vacation + holiday time off

Unlimited vacation time may seem attractive but it’s actually highly problematic. Here’s why I prefer having clear vacation policies and some ideas for you startup team to consider.

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Jaye Goldstein Jaye Goldstein

On turning 45…

I'm turning 45 this week and it feels huge. I've been reflecting a lot on my wrinkles and scars - how much I've learned on this challenging journey. I feel so fortunate to be able to share my entrepreneurial and life experiences with you, as your coach.

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Jaye Goldstein Jaye Goldstein

Tough Love + Excellence

It's not easy to achieve a culture of learning and excellence on your team. How do you hold the bar up high while also motivating your team? Consider using a "Tough Love" approach that balances hard and clear feedback with a spirit of cheering for success.

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Jaye Goldstein Jaye Goldstein

Leadership lessons from my house fire last week

Last week, an electrical fire broke out in my basement. I was terrified and felt so alone as the firemen swarmed my house. The experience shook me and reminded of some important leadership lessons.

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Jaye Goldstein Jaye Goldstein

Being a transparent leader during fundraising

Leading your startup through a fundraise is no easy feat. It’s hard to know what to share with whom - and when…especially as your financial runway shortens. How transparent should you be with your team?

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Jaye Goldstein Jaye Goldstein

The Problem with Pitch Competitions

Pitch competitions aren’t all bad - but they often push early founders out of the entrepreneurial pathway prematurely. Here’s what I learned about teaching innovation from my time at Harvard.

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Jaye Goldstein Jaye Goldstein

Founder “Duck and Cover” Moments

As a startup founder, it’s rare to have a quiet moment at your company. When you notice there’s a calm in the storm, give yourself permission to sneak off for some much-needed self-care.

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Jaye Goldstein Jaye Goldstein

Women Helping Women

There are two types of women out there: women who open doors for other women — and women who close them. Which one are you?

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Jaye Goldstein Jaye Goldstein

2023 Year in Review

And that’s a wrap! 2023 was our second full year at Founder to Leader. We learned so much and we’ve grown our sisterhood of coaches to support you all. Here’s a quick review of our year - and a look ahead as to what’s coming in 2024.

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Jaye Goldstein Jaye Goldstein

4 Ways to Thank Your Team

American Thanksgiving always makes me think about gratitude - how we show our team our appreciation for all that they do. Even if you don’t celebrate the holiday, it’s a great reminder to regularly find ways to show your team - and tell them specifically - that you value them and their hard work.

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Jaye Goldstein Jaye Goldstein

Leading from Behind

Being a great leader isn’t about having the spotlight on you; it’s about empowering others to excel. Here are some important lessons I learned about “leading teams from behind” while hiking in the wilderness.

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Jaye Goldstein Jaye Goldstein

Avoiding Founder Burnout

Founder burnout is real. The answer is actually not to fry yourself out and then take a month off. Instead, I encourage you to think about micro changes you can make every day that help you preserve energy and pace yourself for this marathon.

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Jaye Goldstein Jaye Goldstein

What does an early stage CEO actually do?

Some of my newer clients often ask me what being a CEO really looks like in an early stage startup. They want to know if they’re doing it right. As a coach, I’ve worked across lots of companies and here are some common frameworks I’ve seen out there for what this job looks like.

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Jaye Goldstein Jaye Goldstein

Biotech startups shouldn’t feel chaotic

A lot of people are worried about joining early stage biotech companies because they think it’s going to be a 24/7 sprint. For sure it’s more intense than your average job, but it shouldn’t feel chaotic. If your startup feels like a tornado, you’re probably not doing something right.

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Jaye Goldstein Jaye Goldstein

What Would Michelle Obama Do?

As founders and as leaders, it is so easy to lose our cool and be dragged into behaving poorly when confronted with drama. Instead, I encourage you to ask yourself “What Would Michelle Obama Do?” and take the high road instead. Here’s what I mean.

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