New Years Reflections + Resolutions
I love January 1st. It always feels like a fresh start and a clean slate. You can be whomever you want to be this year. You can get anything done. You can wipe away the regrets and mistakes from the past and begin tabula rosa if you wish.
When I was younger, I used to go to the Paper Source and buy myself some beautiful stationary and spend a long time writing personal goals over winter break. I’d brainstorm in a journal and then move my resolutions over to pretty paper once finalized, as a way of committing to them. I’d post them on my wall somewhere near my desk to remind me of my intentionality as I moved into the new year.
Now a days, I just make a Notion page. It’s not quite the same artistic process, but I do love the idea of looking backwards in order to look forward. I think it’s healthy personally and professionally. Hopefully by now your team has wrapped up your company’s annual OKRs (Objectives and Key Results) so you can spend your own time now thinking about how you are going to show up at work and your life over the next 365 days.
Whatever your process looks like, I’ve created two worksheets below for you to use as a launch pad for reflecting and setting resolutions:
How do you want to show up and deliver this coming year?
Here are two new worksheets from The Founder Toolbox to help you reflect and set resolutions for the coming year:
I wish you all a calm and centered start to the New Year…