Management 101
A 6-week virtual course for leaders of early stage biotech companies.
This course was designed to help early stage biotech leaders understand what it means to be a manager and learn the key principles and practices for success in the role.
Getting Started
Lesson 1: Welcome!
Join Jaye Goldstein in a 30-minute live Zoom session to understand course objectives, get comfortable with the platform, and meet other participants.
Course Overview
This is an overview of the course, which includes learning goals and a review of our syllabus. We’ll make sure you’re comfortable with our learning platform and tools to hit the ground running.
Session 1: Great Management + Psychological Safety
Lesson 1: Welcome
A quick welcome to Session 1
Session 1: Great management
Learn how we, at Founder to Leader, think about what separates good from great managers.
Session 1: About the scenarios
We’ll be using case studies - or scenarios - from actual situations that have come up with our real clients. We’ve changed everyone’s identity to ensure we are maintaining privacy and confidentiality.
Session 1: Scenario discussion - Jaye's two cents
Here are Jaye’s thoughts on the scenarios.
Session 1: Psychological safety
Psychological safety is when we create an environment in which everyone feels safe to share ideas in your organization - and point out mistakes.
Session 1: Wrap up
Key takeways from Session 1.
Session 2: Organizational Design + Motivating Others
Session 2: Overview
Here’s a quick overview for what to expect in Session 2.
Session 2: Organizational designs + structures
Here are the most common organizational designs and structures for early stage biotech companies.
Session 2: Two-track management
Management isn’t for everyone. Here’s an approach for how to create two tracks for professional development for your team.
Session 2: Scenario discussion
Here’s a quick scenario for us to discuss together.
Session 2: Motivating others
Here are some tips on how to motivate your team.
Session 2: Wrap up
Key takeaways from Session 2.
Session 3: Onboarding, Offboarding, and Positivity
Session 3: Overview
Let’s get started on Session 3…
Session 3: Onboarding
Here are some strategies for how to welcome new talent onto your team effectively - to both customize and scale your process.
Session 3: Offboarding
At some point talent will inevitably leave your team - whether by their choice or yours. Here are some ways to think about managing this process gratefully and effectively.
Session 3: Scenario discussion
What do you think this startup should do?
Session 3: Positivity
Learn about how focusing on the positive can get you farther faster with your team.
Session 3: Wrap up
Key takeaways for session 3…
Session 4: Self + Project Management + Measuring Success
Session 4: Overview
Here’s what to expect in Session 4….
Session 4: Self-management
To be a great leader, we first need to lead ourselves. Here are some strategies for managing ourselves so we have bandwith to support others.
Session 4: Scenario discussion #1
What do you think this startup should do?
Session 4: Project management
Here’s how to get stuff done with your team.
Session 4: Setting goals + crushing them
One of my most important ways to ensure your team is busy on the right things is to have a rigorous goal setting process.
Session 4: Scenario discussion #2
How should this team handle this situation?
Session 4: Measuring + identifying success
In order for goals to be most effective at aligning your team, you have to identify and measure success regularly.
Session 4: Wrap up
Here are the key takeaways for Session 4….
Session 5: Language, Bias, and Support
Session 5: Overview
Here’s what to expect for Session 5…
Session 5: DIEB at your startup
It’s essential to create an inclusive community at your startup in order to attract and retail top talent - and achieve your business goals.
Session 5: About the scenarios
Before we dive into the scenarios, here’s a little bit of context…
Session 5: Scenario #1 discussion
Session 5: Scenario #2 discussion
How would you handle this situation?
Session 5: Scenario #3 discussion
How would you interrupt bias in this situation?
Session 5: Scenarion #4 discussion
How would you manage this situation?
Session 5: Scenarion #5 discussion
Interrupting Bias - by Kim Scott and Trier Bryant
Session 5: Interrupting bias
You can’t interrupt bias after the meeting, offline. Here’s why…
Session 5: Providing Support
“How can I support you?” is one of the best manager questions…
Session 5: Wrap up
Key takeaways from Session 5…
Session 6: Culture, Change, and Clarity
Session 6: Overview
Here’s what to expect for Session 6…
Session 6: Culture
Here’s a primer on how to design your company culture - and live by your values…
Session 6: Change management
Change is inevitable in an early stage startup - but it doesn’t mean it’s easy. Here are some strategies to manage change with your team.
Session 6: Clarity
Above all, we need to be clear with our team.
Session 6: Wrap up
Key takeaways from Session 6 - and wrapping up the course.