The Blog
Hosting Your Own Barn Raising Party
We all have “barn raising” moments - i.e. moments when we need our community to lend their resources and support for us to launch something new. Maybe you should throw yourself a party, too?
Processing My Divorce + Being Your Coach
I don’t often share a lot about my personal life, but I wanted you all to know about my divorce. Marriage is a lot like having a co-founder. I wanted to let you know how this experience has shaped how I think about my role as your coach.
Crisis Management
When the Silicon Valley Bank crisis hit, how did you handle it with your team? Better yet: how do you handle any crisis as a leader? Here are some thoughts I have on how we lead through an acute emergency, based partly on my own experience leading a retreat at MIT — with an armed shooter on campus.
Real Estate Tips for Founders, With Guest Catie Tilton
Once your team starts to scale, you’re doing to need more space. Real estate expert Catie Tilton (Newmark) joins us as a guest in this Q+A blog post to answer your questions about landing your first lease.
How to Hybrid
While COVID may be over, hybrid work is here to stay. As soon as one person is remote, you’re officially a hybrid. Here are some tips on how to be inclusive and engaged hybrid organization.
Setting Goals + Scientific Discovery
I get a lot of pushback from clients who say that goal setting doesn’t work with scientific discovery organizations. That’s just not true. However, you do need to think differently about how your craft your objectives and key results.
Year 1 Review + 5 Common Startup Challenges from 2022
What a year it’s been! As Founder to Leader finishes its first year, I wanted to reflect on all we’ve learned while coaching and supporting our clients.
A Rant on Startup Culture
Culture is not just about foos ball tables and hiring your friends. In fact it shouldn’t be either of those. Culture is how we agree to behave as we work towards our shared goals. It’s one of the most important levers you have in your company. Here’s how I think about setting your team up for success with your culture.
Find Your Wolfpack
Being a founder is hard. You need your people - i.e. your wolf pack. I was super inspired by Abby Wombach’s speech and wanted to share how it’s impacted how I think about my support system.
Founder Parent Hacks
It’s definitely not easy to launch a startup - and a family at the same time. BUT it is possible! Here are some of my survival tips for being a founder and a parent simultaneously.
How to Be a Learning Company
Startups are, by nature, learning organizations. You all have to learn and grow individually - and together. Here are some ways you can build a culture of learning on your team.
No One Likes Surprises - Especially While Interviewing
After grad school I interviewed for a job and they surprised me by making me teach a science lesson live to a bunch of adults acting as kids. It made me have strong feelings about why we should never suprise candidates during the hiring process. Here are some tips to ensure everyone is fully aware of everything in your hiring process.
Dress for Success Even At Your Startup
Just because you’re working at a startup doesn’t mean you get to dress like a slob. In fact, how you show up says a lot about who you are a leader. As founders, it’s important to put some effort into your appearance so you look like the badass you are.
My Greatest Firing Failure + 10 Lessons I Learned
I had to fire an employee once and he somehow didn’t suspect it was happening. He lost his temper and broke all of the furniture in the room. Here’s what I learned from this terrifying experience.
Managing Up For All
Even if you’re the CEO, you have to manage up effectively. This means keeping the people who sit above you - i.e. your board - engaged and informed. Here are some tips on how to manage up effectively.
The Feedback Formula
It’s hard to give positive - and critical - feedback. Here is a formula to help you constructively provide feedback for others.
How to Use Your Coach Effectively
Having a coach is a great step towards your own personal development. Here are some tips on how to use your coaching time effectively.
Onboarding: How to Have a Great First Day
On one of my worst first days at a new job, I was given a key to an empty door and left to figure everything else out myself. Needless to say: as leaders of organizations - we can and should do better for our new employees. Here are a few ideas to help you get started.
4 Lessons Learned While Launching A Startup During Covid
To survive the pandemic as a working mom, I ended up living alone in the woods of New Hampshire with my 8 year old son and dog, while launching a startup. Here’s my story - and what I learned.